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Learn the embroidery functions of your Embroidery Machine. This class includes selecting and loading a design, editing functions specific to your machine. Functions include adding design/lettering/stitches, moving, rotating, mirror image, scaling/resizing, merge/sort, stepping through design and placement. We will briefly discuss thread, needles, and stabilizers. and hooping,

Learn how to use your new Sewing Machine. This class will cover care of your machine, understanding length width and needle position, overcasting, blind hem, jeans hem, stretch sewing and buttonhole.

The focus of this class is to familiarize you with the maintenance and basic functions of your sewing machine. The class fee of $10 is for class commitment and for the kit of fabric and notebook pages. We will cover setting up and care for your machine, selecting stitches, altering stitch parameters, understanding tensions, straight stitch, overcast, blind hem, jean hem, stretch sewing, button hole and sewing on a button.

Miele From Germany
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